
After the Second World War the Canadian Car Foundry (CCF) in what was then Fort William was slated to close. To keep the plant running (CCF) partnered with the American Car Foundy – (ACF) Brill Motors of Philadelphia to retool the plant and start producing electric powered Trollys.

In March of 1945 design and construction of the Brill Trolleys began.

The Port Arthur and Fort William transit systems purchased and started service with the Brill Trolleys in late 1947.

In 1970 both cities amalgamated into what is now Thunder Bay and the final run of trolleys in Thunder Bay was late 1972.

The Brill trolleys wer manufactured until 1954 and were shipped across Canada into many Canadian cities and are an integral part of the transit history of not just Thunder Bay, but Canada as a whole.

In 2001 the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 966 in Thunder Bay approached the city council to assist in the purchase of two Brill Trolley buses that were slated for destruction from a Richmond B.C. Scrap yard.

The funds were secured and the units were purchased and shipped in 2001.

Work began on the restoration which was completed in 2007

Currently the final phase for the relocation and home for the Brill Trolleys is under way.